Animal Resources
The role of Animal Resources in the economy of Bangladesh is quite important. Livestock rearing especially cattle and poultry for economic gain. Cattle, buffaloes, goats and sheep are notable among the cattle in Bangladesh. They are important resources for any country; Because these animals provide driving power, skin and manure for various activities including agricultural activities and are the main source of meat and milk for a large part of the population. Livestock is essentially concerned with the health and welfare of livestock, the quality of production data, and effective measures to promote business in related industries..
About 20 percent of Bangladesh’s population earns its living through livestock and poultry rearing and breeding programs. Cultivation, bearing and supply of manure and fuel are important contributions of livestock. Moreover, animal skins, bones, scales and feathers etc. help to earn foreign exchange. Livestock is a major source of livelihood for landless people.
At present, the density of animals and birds per acre of arable land in the country is 7.37. Over the years, the density of animals and birds has increased in this country. The density of animals and birds per hectare is higher in Bangladesh than in other countries of the world. Most recently, the annual growth rate of these by-products has seen a considerable improvement. By the year 2021, to meet the country’s demand from the national production, the production of these by-products should be increased at least at an average rate of 6% to 9% per year. For that, investment in animal and poultry sub-sector should be increased. If every 1 rupee invested in animal and poultry research and extension sector, the average annual income will be 1.42 to 3.15 taka per product.
40.9% of families in Bangladesh are rearing animals and birds. However, only 26.9% of the families are rearing cows and buffaloes. Apart from this, 13.4% of families are rearing goats and sheep and 28.3% of poultry. What is noteworthy here is that the inequality in the distribution of animal and bird resources per household is very low. A survey conducted in 1992 in 62 villages of the country found the Gini coefficient of distribution of agricultural land to be 0.63 while inequality of livestock distribution was found to be only 0.30. Since then, the rate of such inequality has increased. According to the 1996 Census of Agriculture, land distribution inequality in the country was observed to be 0.37 and 0.17 respectively. It appears that increased investment in the livestock sub-sector will have a positive impact on the inequality of income distribution.
Animal Resources development depends on various factors. These are livestock health care, animal-assisted activities, distribution of animal-related organisms, expansion of quality production, animal extension services and greater cooperation between the public and private sectors. Dealing with various animal health problems such as disease detection, treatment, disease prevention and control are some of the major aspects involved in livestock development. Apart from these there are some other essential aspects; Such as animal breeding through breed development, artificial insemination, technology transfer etc. Various organizations in Bangladesh including government, private and private sectors are playing an effective role in livestock development. International organizations like World Bank, Asian Development Bank can participate in livestock development activities.
The breeds of animals available in Bangladesh are as follows:
1. Domestic cow breed – domestic red Chittagong, Goyal, Pabna cows;
2. Foreign – Haryana, Sindhi, Shahial, Jersey and Holstein
3. hybrid;
1. River species;
2. Bada variety;
3. River Bada variety;
1. Black Bengal;
2. Cross the Yamuna;
3. Black Bengal Yamuna Crossbreed;
unclassified indigenous breeds;
1. Unclassified native caste-asil, lick, hollow throat;
2. Foreign White Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, Faumi, Australopi, some commercial broiler and egg-laying breeds;
3. hybrid-native alien;
1. Domestic breeds- Sylhet duck, Nageshwari, Muscovy, Swan;
2. Foreigner Khaki Campbell, Indian Runner, Jinding, Cherry Valley;
3. Hybrid native-foreign. Pigs: Native breed.
Native breeds of poultry are smaller in size and lay less eggs. The government has established many chicken and duck farms in many parts of the country. In the mid-eighties, with the financial assistance provided by UNICEF, poultry rearing programs were started in many village households. Many commercially viable poultry breeds are now well established in Bangladesh and are being used profitably in various farms. As a result of expansion initiatives taken by the government and poultry traders, such farms are steadily increasing in the country. Apart from the public and private farms, there are some such farms of the military department, which partially meet the needs of the army. In some parts of the country, the inhabitants keep horses as a burden. How many horses there are in the country is still not counted.
Bangladesh has a high density of animals and birds, but their productivity is low. Because of that, there is a huge shortage of animal and poultry products in this country. Behind this shortage are underdeveloped breeds of animals and birds, food problems, diseases and management problems etc. The mentioned problems should be solved for the development of animal and bird resources of the country. Besides, the difficulties in marketing of animal and poultry products should be removed and necessary funds should be provided for the management of animal and poultry farms. A number of practical recommendations have been elaborated earlier for the realization of these goals. Here are some recommendations in brief:
1. Strengthening of artificial breeding activities for improvement of animal and bird breeds and conservation of indigenous improved breeds.
2. Encouraging expansion of improved grass cultivation and setting up of animal and poultry feed factories.
3. Expansion of production, delivery and treatment of animal and bird vaccines.
4. Providing training to farmers in improved farm management.
5. Encouraging the private sector to set up new farms and ensuring supply of necessary inputs.
6. Subsidy to keep the price of animal feed and animal medicine within the purchasing power of the farmers.
7. Giving priority to zoological research.
9. Providing special facilities in storage, processing, transportation and marketing of animal and poultry products.
10. Undertake special animal and poultry rearing schemes for landless farmers and rural women.
It is noteworthy here that the farmers of Bangladesh do not make a living by rearing animals and birds. They follow mixed farming system. They have many sources of income. Prana-Birds is only one source among them. Therefore, there is some complexity in assessing the extent to which livestock development is contributing to the eradication of poverty and income inequality in a country. However, it is not difficult to determine whether the per capita income of small and landless farmers is increasing through animal husbandry and whether it has any positive impact on their poverty. It is imperative to conduct regular surveys in this regard.
The rate of population growth along with the growth of animal and poultry products greatly affects the market system. In Bangladesh, the growth rate is positive in both these respects. Interventions are currently underway to increase the rate of growth in the former and to reduce growth in the latter. As a result, sometime in the future, the supply of animal and poultry products may increase and the product price may go against the interest of the producer. Then intervention in the marketing system and price support will be necessary. However, since the demand and supply of animal and poultry products are still very tight and the per capita income is steadily increasing, the possibility of an abnormal fall in the prices of animal and poultry products in the domestic market is very unlikely in the near future. By this time the overall price situation is favorable for increased production.
The Animal Resources subsector has a much higher average annual growth rate. Therefore, increased investment in this sub-sector will have a positive impact on income, employment and social inequality. It will increase self-employment opportunities, increase the income of common people, reduce their malnutrition and reduce socio-economic deprivation and inequality. At the same time, the target group oriented development program should be intensified. The objective of poverty alleviation will be successful.
Our Activities and work
1. Distribute various profitable animals to impoverished families for poverty alleviation, enabling a family to become self-reliant through animal rearing. For example, profitable animals like ducks, chickens, cows, goats, sheep, etc.
2. Organize workshops on animal husbandry, disease diagnosis and treatment, and other aspects related to animal rearing.